Labour & Employment
The firm provides services in all fields of Labour Law: individual (employer-employees relationship), collective (employers-trade unions relationship) and Social Security Law.
Labour & Employment
We focus on providing prevention-oriented advice.
At the individual level (company-workers), we assist in the application of regulations with an impact on the activity of companies, the evacuation of queries, review of contracts and policies, drafting of reports, and in general, we advise with focus on the prevention of litigation risks implicit in business decisions.
We carry out labour audits evaluating compliance with mandatory labor regulations and good occupational risk prevention practices, with the aim of promoting preventive actions aimed at improving labour relations and mitigating contingencies.
Once the preventive and bargaining process is exhausted, we participate in several instances of dispute resolution:
Hearings and administrative proceedings before the Ministry of Labour and Social Security for the settlement of individual and collective disputes, before the General Bureau of Labour and Social Security for inspections or sanctions and before the Social Security Fund for appraisals.
Litigation before Labour Courts for individual claims, before Civil Courts for collective claims and before the Administrative Court for the annulment of administrative acts.
Arbitration for the settlement of individual disputes.
Internal administrative investigations conducted at companies, focused on the different matters such as the investigation of labour offences, workplace harassment claims, etc.
We advise companies interested in investing and settling in our country in relation to: filing labour documentation before the MTSS, determination of the corresponding activity group within the Wages Councils, managing work permits, visas and residences necessary for foreign workers, and assisting in the determination and interpretation of labour standards applicable to their activity.
Trade Union Law
At the collective level (company-union), we advise on the exercise of union facilities, the representation of the company in meetings with trade union representatives, relations with union delegates and collective bargaining in general, both at the company level and before the Ministry of Labour.
We audit the companies classifications within the activity groups of the Wage Councils, and in relation to the applicable sectoral regulations.
Once the preventive and negotiation stage has been exhausted, we intervene in different instances of conflict resolution:
Hearings before the National Labour Directorate and in institutionalized negotiations before the Wage Councils, seeking to resolve collective conflicts.
Litigation within the framework of Law Nº 17.940 or civil lawsuits for amparo or civil liability actions.
Arbitration and administrative investigations.
Labour Relations and Human Management
We advise on the management of labour relations through training for the personnel of the Human Resources Management Departments, advice on the preparation of labour relations policies that allow the company to be positioned in relation to its company or branch union, and the assistance in the process of improving the work environment and in aspects of measuring the commitment of workers.
We carry out specific projects that may include: restructuring of the workforce, reorganization of positions and work structure or implementation of labour policies.
We have experience in the elaboration of productivity policies, performance evaluation, variable remunerations and job evaluation.
Social Security
We provide services in the analysis of personal situations regarding retirement or pension benefits of the BPS or parastatal funds. We assist foreigners and Uruguayans for the proper use of international social security agreements. We sponsor clients in actions for the collection of pension tax obligations.
Corporate - M&A
We advise on the regular needs of our clients in corporate, commercial and corporate matters, promoting business coordination and the prevention of litigation risks implicit in business decisions.
We assist in the preparation, negotiation and instrumentation of commercial contracts typical of the habitual business of our clients, and related operations and businesses.
We advise on the structuring of complex commercial transactions related to different areas of economic activity: management, investment and guarantee trusts, bank contracts, business collaboration, joint venture, sale and distribution agreements, etc.
We participate in procedures aimed at resolving or preventing disputes regarding the interpretation, validity, resolution, termination and execution of civil and commercial contracts.
We assist companies in the financial field (banks, credit management companies, investment advisors, etc.) in matters regarding central bank regulation applicable to their activity.
We intervene in matters related to Competition Law and consumer relations.
We offer tailor-made practical training and workshops, aimed at both clients and professionals.
Mergers and Acquisitions
We specialize in mergers and acquisitions of companies, assisting clients in their capacity as acquirers, sellers or intermediaries.
The advice is given during the preparation, negotiation and execution of the respective business, and covers the different stages of operations such as: determination of the appropriate corporate structure, legal and tax planning, due diligence processes, negotiation and drafting of purchase and sale contracts. (SPA), shareholder agreements (SHA), among others.
We have intervened in notable businesses involving the purchase and sale of shares of commercial companies, mergers, sale of commercial establishments and purchase and sale of assets.
Company Law
We provide regular advice on corporate matters, both to shareholders and directors of commercial companies, in everything related to the operation of said entities.
Our services include support for the corporate functions of the board of directors of companies and shareholder meetings, the management and administration of corporate books (book keeping), reform of bylaws, processes of increase and reduction of social and integrated capital, and preparation of shareholder agreements (SHA).
We advise on the design of the structure that best suits the needs of new businesses, for which we assist in the constitution, restructuring and/or purchase of commercial companies (SA, SAS, SRL), foundations, and other corporate structures, as well as well as in the formation of trusts, consortiums and cooperatives.
We intervene in the resolution of highly complex corporate conflicts (between shareholders, related companies and directors) and in company reorganizations (mergers, spin-offs, transformations, partial terminations, universal assignments of business units, etc.).
We specialize in advising family businesses.
Corporate Governance
We assist companies, shareholders and directors in the adoption by companies of the good corporate governance practices included in the current central bank regulations, as well as in Codes and other Soft Law instruments in this area, with the aim of promoting transparency in the management and administration of the company, to foster market confidence in the companies.
We advise on the design of mechanisms and protocols for operating actions that promote adequate and effective relations between company directors and managers with shareholders and other stakeholders linked to the companies.
We assist entrepreneurs in legal challenges related to the early stages of the development of their projects: definition of legal form (SA, SAS, SRL, trust, etc.); agreements between partners (shareholders agreement or similar commercial agreements); contracts with promoters, service providers and employees, depending on the type of enterprise; contracts with clients; protection of the intellectual property of inventions (registration of trademarks, patents, etc.) and assistance to ensure privacy and security to guarantee the survival of the project in the market; and assistance for the instrumentation of attracting investment necessary to grow and/or internationalize the company.
Foreign entities
To perform its activities in Uruguay, a foreign legal entity can either incorporate a new legal entity (subsidiary) or establish a branch.
In the event of the constitution of a new legal entity, we advise on the choice and/or design of the most appropriate legal framework for the structuring of businesses, collaborating in the definition and structuring of the most suitable legal vehicles for the ventures.
We act in all corporate aspects, preparing and negotiating the contracts involved, and we manage the necessary work permits, visas and residences for workers to settle in Uruguay and advise on the regulations applicable to their activity.
Estate planning and family business
We advise on estate and succession planning, and on the prevention and management of conflicts between family members.
We participate in the celebration of the necessary instruments to carry out the projected planning, such as marriage agreements or concubinage agreements, judicial separation of assets, wills and constitution of trusts.
We intervene in negotiations tending to reach agreements of patrimonial content.
We advise Family Businesses in the planning of commercial policies (shareholder agreements or trusts), labour (remuneration policies) and inheritance (wills), and in the organization of family relationships at the labor, patrimonial and political levels. Likewise, we assist in the legal aspects related to their activity and we participate in the processes of discussion, design and elaboration of family protocols that regulate the different legal situations that may arise between the different members of the family.
Dispute Resolution
Labour and Civil Litigation
We represent clients in lawsuits processed before specialized Courts of different matters.
At the labour level, we act before individual claims filed before the labour justice and in exceptional cases in which it is necessary to protect fundamental rights affected by illegitimate collective measures, we promote amparo actions before civil justice.
In civil matters, we sponsor clients in executive lawsuits and enforcement actions, and for contractual and non-contractual civil liability actions.
At the commercial level, we intervene in judicial collections, claims for compliance with commercial contracts, in actions for unfair competition and based on regulations on consumer relations.
We also act in arbitrations of various kinds, both in commercial and civil matters, as well as in labor and collective matters.
Bankruptcy proceedings
In the pre-bankruptcy stage, we assist our clients in analyzing the alternatives available, as well as assessing the liability risks of the parties involved. In addition, we advise debtor companies on the preparation and negotiation of agreements with creditors and, where appropriate, on the liquidation stage of the bankrupt company.
We offer comprehensive advice both at judicial and extra-judicial level in cases of insolvency and corporate restructuring processes, assisting our clients in the implementation of efficient solutions to face such situations.
We represent companies in crisis in the process of applying for bankruptcy and throughout the following judicial process, advising and participating in the negotiation with the different actors involved in order to sign bankruptcy agreements that allow the survival of economically viable companies and the orderly and efficient liquidation of those that are not.
We advise creditors of bankrupt companies, representing them in the process of credit verification, as well as in the subsequent development of the process, seeking the greatest recovery of assets, both in the negotiation of agreements with the debtor companies, as well as in the processes of business liquidation and qualification of the bankrupt companies.
Family law and inheritances
We represent clients in legal actions of various kinds: divorce, parental authority and guardianship, tenure, visits, child support, conjugal community liquidation and dissolution, recognitions and dissolution of cohabiting unions, unjust enrichment, successions, partitions, amongst others.
We provide services on marital partnership regimes and disabilities, among others.
We intervene in the field of contentious judicial succession, in the granting of wills and partitions (extrajudicial and judicial), as well as in the mediation and preparation of succession agreements that affect the family business and its members.
Furthermore, we have wide experience in family and inheritance matters across borders, including diverse jurisdictions.
Administrative and Regulatory
Administrative Law
We advise on administrative proceedings carried out before various government bodies, both those initiated by the administration and those promoted by the company through petitions.
Once the administrative route has been exhausted, we represent clients in actions for the annulment of administrative acts before the Administrative Litigation Court.
We provide assistance in tenders and perform the corresponding measures at the government bodies (permits, licenses and authorizations).
We advise on public-private participation (PPP) projects and provide assistance in negotiation and formulation of contracts with regulatory and government authorities.
We intervene in the different stages of the procedures necessary for the development of client activity: for labour matters, before the Ministry of Labour and Social Security; for tax and pension matters, before the General Tax Directorate and the Social Security Bank; for matters of Corporate Law, before the National Internal Audit; for tenders and other administrative procedures, before the respective body; for banking and financial system matters, before the Central Bank of Uruguay; etc.
Residencies and relocation
We assist foreigners who decide to settle in Uruguay to work, make investments or simply to live. Our services covers the following:
Processing and obtaining before the National Directorate of Migration or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (as appropriate according to the type of residence to be managed depending on whether it is MERCOSUR nationals or not), of the necessary residence permits, whether permanent or temporary. Our services include assistance during all the stages that these procedures imply (processing of a provisional identity sheet, identity card, health card, residency hearing, etc.).
Assessment in purchase and leasing of real estate property.
Establishment of legal entities to operate in Uruguay by means of such corporate structure.
We make our utmost efforts for a quick settlement and adaptation regarding material, social and cultural aspects involved in the relocation process.
Promotional regimes for investment
We assist in promotional regimes for investment, which are applicable both to local and foreign investors.
We render our services to exploiters as well as direct and indirect users of free-trade zones regarding legal requirements in order to benefit from the incentives stipulated in the law.
As far as the investment promotion regime is concerned, we provide legal counsel on the implementation of such investment projects, obtaining permits and authorizations, tax exemptions and declarations of national interest. In addition to this, we provide advice on the legal and regulatory framework of industrial parks, port and free airport regime, public-private agreements, and the temporary admission regime.
We also intervene in sectors which have a specific incentive legal framework, such as forestry, foreign financial intermediation, navigation, software, vehicles and spare parts, biofuels, communication, and housing.
Data protection and intellectual property
We provide counsel on protection and handling of personal data, regarding its treatment, gathering and transmission. Our services include procedures of registry of personal data and updating of databases before the Data Protection Authority (Unidad Reguladora y de Control de Datos Personales. We also provide legal counsel on Habeas Data proceedings.
We provide assistance and advice to our clients in relation to the registration, protection and licensing of intellectual property (trademarks, patents, and trade secrets), offering a comprehensive service in terms of intellectual property protection regulations together with associated studies specialized in the matter.
In terms of compliance and anti-money laundering, we provide assistance in the creation of money laundering prevention policies, in the regulation that guides the creation of such policies, and in the analysis of transaction reports before the Central Bank of Uruguay.
Real Estate & Notary
Notary Services
We provide all kinds of notary services related to acquisitions, disposals and the administration of movable and immovable property (purchases, leases, leasing among others).
We advise developers and investors in the sale and acquisition of real estate, urban and rural, with different destinations, accompanying the client in all stages of the project or transaction, providing the most efficient legal structure and notarial solution for your business or investment.
We participate in the drafting and negotiation of contracts, structuring of real estate investments as well as in drafts and controls of guarantees (mortgages, pledges, and trusts).
Real Estate
We represent developers and investors of real estate, engineering and construction projects in our country.
We advise on civil matters, accompanying clients at all stages of the business: choosing the most convenient structure to carry out their project (commercial companies, real estate trusts, etc.), their financing and marketing, contracts related to the ventures (preliminary contracts , construction, service leasing, etc.), notarial and tax services linked to the planning and development of projects, among others, providing comprehensive solutions.
Business structuring
We assist in the structuring of businesses and in the definition of the most convenient legal vehicles for each undertaking.
We advise on the choice and/or design of the most suitable legal framework for the organization of the business (public limited companies, simplified stock companies, limited liability companies, trusts, etc.).
We participate in the negotiation and assistance of trusts, as a relevant alternative for business structuring and the satisfaction of particular needs. Thanks to its flexibility and versatility, we have intervened in various types: administration, investment, real estate and guarantee.
Accounting and Outsourcing
With a view to satisfying companies' current trend of delegating certain services, we provide outsourcing of administrative, accounting and management processes, allowing organizations to focus on the fundamental aspects of their core activity, betting on achieving the best results that this type of business offers.
In this sense, we provide administrative services of liquidation of payrolls and social security contributions, preparation and consolidation of financial statements, reports and counsel on compliance with local accountancy rules and regulations; preparation of management reports, as well as reports on commercial and financial management.
Tax Advice
We provide tax advice to both natural persons and legal entities that are taxpayers in administrative proceedings before the Social Security Authority and Tax Authority. In addition to this, our counseling includes fiscal and tax planning; permanent tax counsel; preparation and revision of tax liquidations; tax inspections, elaboration of investment projects to obtain tax exemptions.